Support is available 24 hours a day to help with all technical issues (or otherwise) you may encounter. You should always message support first to resolve the issue. If they cannot resolve the issue in time, they will tell you to message your Account Manager at that time.

“I uploaded the video but it is not showing up. How can I check to see if it is uploaded on my page and showing up on the site?”

 Here is the best way to see if your content is showing up on your page.  Go to the internet, and type in your JASMIN URL to view your page.  It would be. (Where it says YourScreenName is where you would type your actual screen name).  If you go to view your page, and you cannot physically see your video or story, then it did not upload.  You should check this almost every night to make sure all your content is live and showing up! If it is not posted when viewing your page, please go back into your app and re-upload your content.

“Why won’t my Video post?”

Majority of the time, it is because you have more than 25 premium and 25 free Videos.  You can only have a max of 50 combined.  If this occurs, please delete some of your older ones to make room for your new ones. An easy way to do this is once you reach your limit, every time before posting, just delete your oldest video (free & premium) and then upload for that day.

“Where can I find technical support?”

You can find support by opening your Influencery app, click the profile icon on the bottom right of the screen, then click the three bars at the top right, click on “Online Support Chat”, and then click “Enter Chat”.  Once on the screen, you must keep the chat open until they are able to help resolve your issue. If you enter texts, and close the chat, the connection is closed. When you go back in and start the chat again, it starts a whole new connection with support. They are available 24/7. As with any technical support, you are placed in a que until support is finished working with the Influencer before you. Please allow yourself enough time before midnight to be able to resolve any issues you are experiencing.

“Who do I message when I am having an error uploading content?

Support is available 24 hours a day to help with all technical issues you may encounter. You should always message support first to resolve the issue. If they cannot resolve the issue in time, they will tell you to message your Account Manager at that time.

“When is the best time to reach my account manager?”

Your account managers are in the office Monday – Friday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. They are available for contact through email, phone call, or text messaging.  Please keep in mind our offices are closed on weekends and national holidays and your account manager may not be able to respond to your messages during that time. If this occurs, they will respond to your message as soon as they are back in the office.  Technical support is available on weekends, so please feel free to contact them with any questions or concerns you may have during that time.

“Do I have to be available for video calls?”

 Yes, in order to qualify for the Awards you need to allow yourself to be available for one hour a day for video calls. This is a great way to make additional income and take advantage of the premium features on

“Can I share my JASMIN link on other social media platforms?”

 Absolutely, YES!! This is a great way to bring your social media following to!